Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tell me

What have you learnt about capitalism this week?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Best Game in town

This can be found

It goes like this

Derivatives are financial instruments that have no intrinsic value but derive their value from something else. Basically, they are just bets. You can “hedge your bet” that something you own will go up by placing a side bet that it will go down. “Hedge funds” hedge bets in the derivatives market. Bets can be placed on anything, from the price of tea in China to the movements of specific markets.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Originally uploaded by PennyWhistle

some people forget that the temp will not instinctively know that she needs to book the interview room, make copies of resumes for all interviewers, tell the interviewers that the interview is happening, and prepare application forms for all the applicants. especially when all you told her to do was "call the applicants and make sure they can come on tuesday at 2pm."

If you forget this, the temp might make this face.

Uploaded by PennyWhistle on 8 Jan 08, 7.24PM PDT.

Friday, September 19, 2008


Originally uploaded by trishaleen

Being hung after cleaning
Tapestry in the State Library
Oz by Martin Sharp


Originally uploaded by trishaleen

my loyal poodle


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.
About my photographs.

The photograph of the Library was taken from the women's bathroom in the restaurant Level 41, (the food was also pretty good).

The 'two planes' was taken when a plan flew past so close to the window by the time I whipped my camera out it had past by, but low and behold there was another one just a little further in the distance. So in the image you can see two jet streams.

I shot Queen Mary 2 from the Mitchell roof

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Australian Centre of Photography

Panel Discussion
Web 2.0 in Review
6pm Thursday 18 September Free Admission
As the hype that surrounded the arrival of Web 2 begins to settle, we take a broad look at the social networks, virtual environments and new platforms that mushroomed in the past 2 years, to assess how and why they succeeded, what didn't work, and what's in store for the future.
Panellists include Gary Hayes (AFTRS LAMP) and Kathy Cleland (writer, curator and lecturer in new media at Sydney University)