Thursday, July 10, 2008

Same Sex Marriage

National Day of Action for Same Sex Marriage! Sunday August 3rd1pm Taylor Square

Community Action Against Homophobia (CAAH) in NSW has called a rally as part of the National Day of Action for Same Sex Marriage, to be held on Sunday August 3rd, 1pm Taylor Square, Darlinghurst. Queer student activists endorsed the rally at this year's Queer Collaborations Student Conference in Melbourne and committed to build the rallies happening all over the country in early August, but we need your help!The Theme of "Freedoms are Won, not given" that was celebrated at the student conference this year, marking 30 years since the first Mardi Gras, is just as relevant today as the new Rudd government continues the legacy of the homophobic Howard government. True, Rudd has made inroads into getting rid of some of the legal discriminations against same sex couples, but the Labor government still refuses to acknowledge our relationships as being worthy of the title of "marriage", and continues to deny us the right to be parents. The impacts of this continued discrimination for same sex couples is both emotionally and practically devastating in many cases.Help us put some political pressure on Rudd to right the wrongs against the Queer community that have gone on for too long. These rights have been won in California under a super conservative government, so it can be done, but we have to win our freedoms, they will not be given. So get your friends and family along on Sunday August 3rd and rally for Queer rights. Send this email to your friends and post to any email lists you subscribe to. Come along to help with the organising meetings on Wednesday nights at UTS. You can even make a donation to the campaign to the CAAH bank account with the Commonwealth bank BSB 062 006 AcNo 1069 9214For Sydney Rally Details, contact Heidi 0419 377 396For Details about joining CAAH and helping out, contact Emilia 0401 519 593For other states..Melbourne – James 0412 906 978Perth – Emma 0416 436 399Canberra – Farida 0412 109 160Brisbane – Rebecca 0438 277 561Same Sex Marriage RightsFull Adoption and Parenting RightsCivil Unions with Ceremonies

Monday, July 7, 2008


Please view the July 2008 edition of the NSW Premier's Council for Active Living (PCAL) Bulletin here

Items within this month's bulletin include:

FREE July On Your Bike conferences: Increasing cycling for short trips

Bicycle transportation by Australian adults

Brisbane cycle centre opens

Cycling to work in Sydney

Choose a lifestyle work option

Streets turning into recreational spaces

Increase active living for greatest health gain

Sydney 2009 World Masters Games

Please note the ‘On Your Bike’ July conference dates are fast approaching and anyone interested in attending should register at The conference agenda is available at

If you have been added to the PCAL distribution list by mistake and you would like to unsubscribe from the PCAL Bulletin please reply with ‘UNSUBSCRIBE’ in the subject line




Peter McCue Manager
Premier's Council for Active Living NSWLevel 3, 80 William Street Sydney NSW 2011
P 02 9219 2438 F 02 9219 2424